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Nine-drawer Dresser Build, completion

Nine-drawer Dresser Build, completi...

With the completion of the drawers, I was almost done. Case Back The case back is very simple:  a piece of 1/4-inch cherry plywood cut to fit.  My case was 47-3/4 inches wide inside the rabbets at the back, but I knew I was a tiny bit off...
Nine-drawer Dresser Build, part three

Nine-drawer Dresser Build, part thr...

The only components left to make for this dresser were the drawers and the back panel.  I tackled the drawers next. Drawers This piece is going in Julie’s and my bedroom, so I wanted to do something more aesthetically pleasing than...
My New Best Friend

My New Best Friend

I’ve always been a power tool guy.  When I was a 10-year-old in 4-H, making simple things like toolboxes and napkin holders, I wondered why I had to saw stuff by hand and make crooked, ragged-looking cuts when there was a radial arm...