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Sarah and Matt’s Storage Chest build, part 2

Sarah and Matt’s Storage Ches...

I was feeling a little more self-doubt than usual on this project, as often happens when I’m making something for a loved one.  So I decided it would be smart to assemble the main carcase first, then double-check my interior...
Sarah and Matt’s Storage Chest build, part 1

Sarah and Matt’s Storage Ches...

When a project has a deadline, it’s great to get started early.  I should try that some time. I didn’t actually get the stock for Sarah and Matt’s storage chest until December 20th, so unless I took vacation from work...
Sarah and Matt’s Storage Chest, design

Sarah and Matt’s Storage Ches...

Part of being a wood nerd is giving handmade gifts.  I think I’ve made something for everyone in my immediate family at one time or another.  But now that all of my kids are grown up and moved out, they have new needs … or I...
Snack Table build, completion

Snack Table build, completion

There was very little left to do on my snack tables.  It is a lot easier to apply finish, though, before putting them completely together.   Color During what I think of as my first woodworking period (1992 through about 2002), I...